There is Bhakti Yoga, the foundation of every religion. Bhakti means devotion. That's praying not for personal needs but love of God with all your heart, mind and soul. For this Yoga, it is important to understand the philosophy of Pluralism, 'there are many paths and names to the same One God.' Hence, Bhakti isn't exclusive just to it's root in the religions of India. A good analogy that presents this is that God is like an infinite ocean, formless, but freezes into a solid state for the love of a devotee. Jnana Yoga, the path of knowledge. It is like a quest to understand our true Self by asking ourselves "Who am I?" beyond our material body and mind. This Yoga even works for an atheist. Anyone on a journey to understand life and the nature of the universe is pretty much already on this pathway. The deeper we understand the universe, the more we discover our connection to it. Raja Yoga, the path of meditation. This Yoga requires a lot of preparation work and hence is known to be the hardest. First one needs to practice many values such as non-violence, truthfulness, celibacy, purity and contentment. Raja Yoga is looking within, and discovering your connection to the universe.
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Official Website Cast & Crew Directed by: Saie S Surendra Starring: Zoe Wood (as Lila), Ruben Whitter (as Govind), Tamara Thompson (as Radha Rani) Assistant Director: Jegani Guna Cinematography: Tamara Thompson, Saie S Surendra Behind the Scenes Photography: Dilo Guna Special Effects & Editing: Saie S Surendra Production Runners: Madhuri Pandit, Jiale Huang
![]() So the film industry has had a trend recently.. trailers for trailers.. promos for trailers of trailers.. posters announcing the promos of trailers for trailers.. it's the social media world, our attention spans are getting smaller by the day. Though our film is small.. it is an ambitious project this time.. hence we decided to share something, but differently. Here's the official script planned for our trailer: I was the average girl.. Phone.. Social Media.... My life... Then I died.. But it wasn't the end.. I was given another chance.. Another life... A loop of lives. and that's where I met Him... He had always been there.. but I had to look for him... because he was never easy to find.. He made me feel that my name meant something.. My name is Leela |